Thursday, July 27, 2017

It going to be a long post - two of two

We had a wonderful testimony meeting on Saturday, I have never seen so many youths running to the seats set up for that purpose.  Their testimony all have a common theme:  they felt the spirit abundantly, their prayers were answered, their questions were answered, testimony strengthened, they know how to study the scriptures, they know how to continue to receive personal revelation and answers to their prayers!

Elder Evans shared with them his testimony and lesson he learned from his mother:  He said he had a lot of question when he was young and his mother told him:  "While you have questions, you need to continue to study, reflect and pray; need to do those thing that you should do while you are seeking instead of doing the opposite.  

Elder Evans continued:  There is a promise in Moroni 10:3-4, D&C 93:23-28 and D&C 88:118
If we follow those instruction, and continue in faith and doing those things we know we should do, then all mystery will be reviewed!

All the youth left for home and we had a two hours closing meeting with the YSA even though it was supposed to be a 30 minutes meeting.  They did not want to leave; they want to share their feelings!!! It was wonderful!  We did not leave camp until after 3 pm., by the time we got to our hotel, we were so tired!  Then we met up with the logistic couple 林育邦, 洪慧娟 and in session couple Robert Lee and Bridget Tsai for dinner.  We went to a restaurant that steam cook everything we eat.  Here are pictures of our meal, steamed cooked at 500 degree steam: First raw rice and seasoning at the bottom bowl, then a plate covering on top to cook our food:  clams, cabbage with beef, chicken, prawns the size of our hand, asparagus, whole fish, sausages, scallops, baby back ribs and whole lobster!  Then our rice became congee and you can taste the different seafood we have cooked.  It was a wonderful meal.

We had great night resting, attended a local ward on Sunday where they had a whole sacrament devoted to youth speakers,  They all shared there testimony and things that they learned for themselves.  Afterward, we had a four hour meeting reporting to Elder Kuan and Elder Chang by the couples.

FSY is truly inspired program!  If we followed the program as outlined, we will achieve what is promised!

We are so sad this will be our last trip here.  We are so thankful we were given this assignment to work with wonderful members who are dedicated and true disciple of Jesus Christ!


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