Wednesday, November 23, 2016

More Pictures

I thought I post more pictures of what we did last weekend starting from decoration of the WanChai church building and the Relief Society Activity we went on Saturday.

Ted and I will be going to a YSA convention this weekend, Friday to Sunday, so I might not have time to post this week.  We will miss the office Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday!!!

We want to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving!  We are thankful for our Savior; for His atoning sacrifice that allows the Plan of Salvation (Happiness) to go forth so that all mankind can and will have to opportunity to return to live with our Heavenly Father and live forever with eternal life.  We are thankful for our family, our children and grand children; it is wonderful to see how our children are raising their own children and how the gospel continues to influence them in their life!  We are thankful for the opportunity to serve our Heavenly on a mission; we have learned a lot and are thankful we will continue to learn and to be teachable.  We are thankful that God knows the desires of our hearts and that we can serve Him in whatever capacities He sees fit.  We know the gospel is true!  Jesus Christ is our Savior; We have a loving Heaven Father whose single purpose is to help His children to become like Him; If we choose so, we will have all the blessings He can endow upon us.  We know we will have trials, even as missionaries, but if we put our trust in Him, we will be strengthened thru those trials.  We love the gospel, We know the Church is true; we have living prophets and apostles and general authorities today to help move God's work forward in this latter day, We are grateful for this opportunity to be part of this great army of God that help with this work!
Found this car all decorated to carry the bride and groom to their events on their wedding day.

The beginning of decoration, boxes every where, just like home!

Sister Steven helping to decorate the big tree!

Ted helping to hang the wreath ... not he is NOT getting on the wooden ladder!

Fixing the bow on the wreath; they have been in storage for a year, just need some fluffing up!

The decorated tree, with all the trimming and presents under the tree!

This is the center of Christmas, the nativity!
This video is the dancer from one of the ward; I was able to help positioned the dancers so their color is not bunched up together; also worked with them on the ending post.  It was fun!

This is a famous Chinese Opera song, a Chinese version of "Romeo and Juliet".  I beg you can't sing as high as she does!
This is a war song, thru the quick drumming and rhythmic, you can hear the horse running, the marching etc, you will need to use your imagination!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Spy? 3 Hour Nap!!!

This is a video I took of the other missionaries trying to take pic with a cow.  I thought it was more fun to take a video of them instead!

Well, we have been so busy this week (the last two days), I took a 3 hours nap today so now I can't sleep so I am trying to catch up on the blog.

Monday:  the week started out slow, I did not have anything on the calendar so I walk around offering help, Elder and Sister Kendall are the couple that is specifically assigned to the Every Day Branch, they had a sacrament meeting every day from Tuesday to Saturday, We noticed Sister Kendall was not at church last week when we spoke on Thursday and Friday, I was told "she just got so exhausted and needed a couple days to recover".  Elder Kendall is 82 and Sister Kendall is 72.  We found out that Elder Evans was their bishop some years ago!! What are small world!  This is second marriage for both.  We admire their dedication - we told them they are the most "perfect" and "sinless" since they are able to take the sacrament every day and when they are done with their mission, they could take a 7-8 years break from Church!! Just kidding.  Anyway, I offer to help out if Sister Kendall needs to take a nap during the day and I could sit in on one of her meetings.  I guess when we get older, one can't sleep in and needs a short nap during the day to keep going!

Tuesday:  We have training meeting from Elder and Sister Evans (the Area Presidency do one every month), they shared their experiences on their recent trip to India.  The Evans has a grand child that was born without ear, they received a video clip of this baby and the reaction when the baby hear for the first time.  The family has a little late start and before they were pregnant, her daughter in-law was inspired to go back to school for speech therapy, husband and wife felt this was something that could help the family but didn't realize how soon they would benefit from her training.  Shortly after she was pregnant, they found out about the defect; because of her study, they were able to know this professor that specialized in apparatus that people can wear to transmit sound wave into the bone so that one can hear.  It was amazing to see the child smile when he hears for the first time!!!  What a tender mercies for the Evans family.  Sister Evans liken this to our own hearing and that we need to tune our spiritual hearing to the voice of God.  She encourages us to never take that for granted. What a good message to start the week! 

Wednesday: I spent the morning trying to create our own business pass along card.  I updated my profile at and added Chinese on them.  Then I worked on getting a QR code so I could use it on our card.  Ted still need to work on his profile so we can get his done.  I have never written so much Chinese for the last 30 years!  If you want to read my profile, just go to    I am still waiting for SL to update my profile description with Chinese in them but the introduction line is done.  I hope they will move on it fast because when I give out the pass along card, I would like people to read them hopefully in Chinese!

In the afternoon, at the meeting with Tom Crockett, he gave us some assignments.  He sent us the link to all the country web site/page on facebook.  We are now working to get ourselves familiarize with FaceBook, we are also getting ourselves familiarize with each country's page and what they post,  The biggest challenge was to read them in the different languages when there is no translation.  Thank goodness for Google translate again!!!

Thursday:  When we left in the morning, we prayed that we would have opportunity to share the gospel today and the Lord answered our prayer, we were able to visit with a sister that came down from ShenZhen.  She said she is a Christian and is going to get baptized this week in ShenZhen. She came down for a business meeting and then got lost after her meeting was over, she found our church that has Jesus Christ's name so she came in.  We were able to introduce her to the Book of Mormon, taught her how to pray and she said a prayer.  She was interested in the gospel videos so we showed her a few videos to watch.  She was thrilled to learn about modern prophets and apostles.  I asked her how she was able to learn about Christ in China and she said her family are all Christians and wanted her to join.  She said there are Christian church where she lives.  In my mind, I wanted to tell her about our church in China, but I didn't say anything, We just invited her to come back to Hong Kong if she is interested.  After she left, I couldn't shake the feeling that she might be one of those spys that China sent out to see if we would violate our agreement of not preaching in China!!!  This is a lesson for me to learn and I was thankful for the Spirit!!!

We also had a meeting with Elder Wong on the Christmas Initiative, We received more information from Salt Lake.  Because the areas we serve are very diverse with some countries more established, some developing and some emerging, we have to filter the information to differently to each country.  I was able to help Annie (Assistance to PA) to create a power point presentation for the meeting.  I think we are getting better at knowing what Elder Wong wants.  His direction is to let the different area participate and do what they can so they could support themselves.  He does not want senior missionaries to do it all for the local area because then when we leave, there will have no one to follow up.  We are hoping for provide support but local area will need to do the work!!  This reminds me of when my children were young, they have to learn on their own how to talk, walk etc.  If we do it for them and never allow them to make mistake, take the first steps, they would have never grown to do things on their own!  Just like our Heavenly Father knows all thing but we are to learn for ourselves; of course, He stands ready to help when we ask!!

Friday, we went to the office early so we could email all the Christmas information out to the various countries, then we decorated the building for Christmas.  The building is beautiful with all of the Christmas trimmings and nativity scenes. Then we rushed over to the Ho Man Ting chapel for a meeting with the two YSA co-ordinator who will be running the FSY.  We are very excited for this two YSA leaders.  They will be very good!

Saturday:  WE started early for the Big Buddha, then we visited a Relief Society Talent show.  It was wonderful to be among Saints and it feels like "home" in the States.  The church is true over here too and all the programs work to help build and strengthen us!

Sunday:  I was tired today.  We have been gone last two days from 7 am to 10 pm at night so after Church, I took a 3 hours nap.  This feels so good to be busy and doing what the Lord wants us to do. We could make the FSY site visitation yesterday but was able to talk with the logistic chairman, our fast has been answered!!  When Brother Leung and Elder Tai visited the site yesterday, they were told end of July is available (we were told not available before) and we can turn in our application now!!! This is so exciting... FASTING AND PRAYERS does work!!!

Don's mind my hair and Ted's "blind" eyes, the Big Buhhda is a the back with entrance to the Monastary

The happy bunch:  Elder/Sister Beckstead; Elder/Sister Yan; Elder/Sister Stevens.  Ted didn't get the memo that we are to wear green!!

One of the 12 valiant warriors that lined the walk way to the Big Buddha

Walking the 268 steps up to the Buddha

Taken at the back/base of the Buddha, good view

Don's mind the hair, the wind is blowing so hard, it was cloudy when we arrived but now blue sky!

First squatter I seen in Hong Kong; 

Had to take another pic because of the craving on the back.

Tsuen Mun 1st Relief Society, doing the Ching Dynasty dance
Christmas decoration at the Wan Chai building,  More picture to come.

The hand!

Vegetarian snack at the Monastary

Who said we can't do water sports!

Found an old tree with its root systems
Being the Bride and Groom again!

Don't forget to smell the roses along the way, beautiful sky and flowers

I saved the church $250!!!

The work is still quite slow but we are using our time wisely.  I decided I would take this time to learn to play the piano, Sister Chandler was teaching some Filipino sisters on how to play the simplified hymn on electric keyboard, I borrowed one of the book and has been playing about 30 mins each morning when I can.  We go into the office early, usually about 8 to 8:15 a, after practicing the piano for 30 mins, we would read the Book of Mormon individually and then share what impress us on our reading.  I noticed that the day that we read, I feel much better and has a much better day.  Besides, Ted and I has been speaking in the every day branch from Tuesday to Friday, I was able to find a different scripture to share with the branch each day!

This week we have sacrament from Tuesday to Friday. The sisters were very sweet, they are always happy despite their circumstance.  Ted's topic was on finding true happiness and mine was on prayer, scripture and individual worth.  I shared my mother's conversion story and everyone was touched.  Mom was uneducated by yet she had the most faith because her testimony was born of the spirit!  Even though we give practically the same talk each day, we felt the spirit each day as we testify of God's love for his children and the truthfulness of the restored gospel. I kind of missed it when it was all over!

We have good meeting with Tom Crockett, He and his wife served here a year ago as communication couple.  He got hired as the PA (Public Affair) and communication director.  We had meeting with him via the PVC system and then we had meeting with Elder Wong.  Brother Crockett is very understanding when I told him we know nothing about what we are supposed to do in our assignment.  He said he could give use things to do to keep us busy but then it might be just busy work for now.  He will be visiting PA & communication next week and hope to have a lot of question answered.  He is expected to be here some time after Christmas or whenever he gets his working visa.  In the meantime, we will try to keep ourselves busy.

The local TVB Pearl is doing a document on the church. Diana Liu is a reporter for TVB. She does a special report like 60 mins in the States.   Sister Lam (mission president's wife) happens to be Diana Liu's old school mate and when Diane find out Sister and Elder Lam came here as mission president, she wanted to do a report on the Church.  They had done most of the shooting except on a newly called missionary attending church and humanitarian work the church provides.  Tomorrow we will ride the 1 1/2 MTR to Tuen Mun to attend the early church then stay to help them set up for the filming around 1:30 p, we will then go the Kowloon Tong for YSA meeting.  Elder Zeno Chow will be leaving Monday to the States, we have been asked to be the YSA couple from 11/25-27.  We will see how it goes, hopefully we don't have to stay up too late!!

During one of our meeting, we find out that there is a very wealthy and famous lady in Hong Kong.  Her name is Wendy Kwok, also one of Sister's Lam's friend.  She was introduced to Elder Wong and during their visit, she mentioned she really like this big map in Elder Wong's Conference room.  So the map was purchased and framed but no one follow up on making a plaque to place on the map and deliver to Mrs. Kwok.  I took over the job of getting the plaque made.  In the process of finding a company to etch the inscription, we found a place that did printing on gold lead but we really want to make it on brass.  The place we (Sister Beckstead, Annie Wong- APA and I) went gave us a quote of $500.  Then the next day, I sent Ted over, have him took off his name tag, and the guy quoted him $450 and then to $400.  I presented to Elder Wong the option of going cheap at $60 or the brass at $400.  He finally agreed to the $400.  However, I kept looking online and was able to find this place in Hung Hom.  I sent an email out Friday afternoon and then we stop by this morning and they quoted me $150!!  The plaque will be done in brass with words etching in black, the way we wanted it done.  It would only take one week instead of 10 days the other place quoted!  I felt so proud of myself for saving the church some money!!!

We went and watch the HONG KONG Ballet performance of "Lady of Camellias" .  It was wonderful to hear a life orchestra performed, a baritone and supremo singing while watching the ballet.  It makes me missed all the time we watch BDA ballet shows.  Those were such a busy but rewarding time to see the girls performed!

Saw one of the rare boat on our way home this week.

Recipe for egg rounds, keep for later

Trial run on how to make scone so I can make them for Monday evening Seniors FHE

At the HK Ballet, Tickets US$20 each!

Took a picture while no one is watching!  
  Wonderful musician playing in the foyer when we enter the Cultural theater.

Christmas lights up right after Halloween.  It is all over, large building with beautiful lights.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Fast Sunday

For this Fast Sunday we have a special fast for the up coming FSY conference.  It is so difficult to get a venue here to accommodate 250 people, most of FSY started planning at least 14 months ago, we only have 9 months left on our planning!!  The earliest we could apply for a venue is December 1 so the committee has decided to fast for Heavenly Father's help!!

We were busy at the beginning of the week, making organizational chart and timeline to tract what needs to be done in order for FSY to happen in both Hong Kong and Taiwan.  Amazingly, I was able to remember how to write a lot of the Chinese characters, using google translate and Chinese character app, then cut and paste the character onto the timeline chart and emails sending to Taiwan. The hardest part is that we have not heard from the 70's in Taiwan.  We were told that Taiwan had done a lot of big events so they should be okay, however, FSY is a little different because is it exclusively run by YSA counselors and it will need a lot of training to get thing going. Adults are only in the back ground!!!  I hope we can get that moving ... I am learning a lot of patience in this mission!!!

We had temple session and testimony meeting with the Area Presidency on Thursday, it felt so good to be in the temple.  The Hong Kong temple is small but it has all the saving ordinances required to save souls!!  The new Temple President, President and Sister Richard Lee arrived last week and began their mission, We also ran into Nora.  She just came in the evening before and we were able to visit with her for a little bit.  We will see her again on Sunday before she starts her tour to China.  The temple will be closed after this weekend for 6 weeks and will not open until 12/20; we are expecting an assignment to work at least one shift a week in the temple once it is opened.

On P-day, a few of us senior missionary decided to watch a movie:  Dr. Strange  We went to this old theater in Hung Hom, only 15 mins walk from our condo.  The tickets were only HK$50 each, stadium seats, They did it the old fashion way, paper tickets with assigned tickets.  We were able to take some pictures of the old equipment on display.  It was truly a relaxing day!

We visited the Kowloon City ward today.  This is the same Homantin chapel that I served 30 plus years ago.  I brought my old mission pictures with me and one of the member was able to identify one of the member I had taught and baptized.  She texted his wife via whatspp, hopefully I can meet up with him.  He was one that I wasn't sure how active he would be. He was a Goldsmith and I was told he still is today.  It would be great to visit with him and his family!

We finally got a new slower cooker and made chinese beef stew for Sunday dinner.  It was so much better, only took 6 hours and the stew was done!  We invited Elder and Sister Thong and Elder & Sister Beckstead over for dinner.  For desert I make the taro tapioca desert and the Thong brought over some red rice desert.

This group of new missionaries came in from MTC this week, we are so excited for them!! Most of them are from England!!

Picture at the outside Hong Kong Temple.

Watch Dr. Strange, we enjoyed the movie, there are some good dialogue about the "dark side" and eternal life!!!

This one we hope to watch in a few week!  Can't wait!

Old movie projector on display at Lux Theater in Hung Hom, Kowloon.

This is how they keep tab on seat assignment, we took 6 seat on isle O.

Paper ticket on the lower left corner, Abacus used to do calculation.

Guess what this is?  You are right, that is a red bean ice ... done the right way, how I remember them!!!