Monday, December 26, 2016

TVB Pearl Report

This report has been in the making for a few months and it is finally done and aired last night 12/26/2016.
We thought the reporter, Billy Wong, did a wonderful job at presenting a balance report on our Church even though I personally think the professor he used was not very knowledgeable.  If he would truly study our doctrines, he will know truth does not change but policy might depends on the local culture and laws.  

Article of Faith 12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

On his quote on a 19th century new religious to practice 3000 years old doctrine:

Article of Faith We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophetspastorsteachersevangelists, and so forth.

We also believe in restoration of all things too...

Anyway, do enjoy watching this, hopefully it would stay on the air for a while:

If you can't see this, check out the two link on youtube:

A "non-traditional" Christmas

I hope everyone have a wonderful Christmas at home.  Ours were very non-traditional.  We have been FaceTiming the little ones almost every other day so it wasn't very special to talk to them on Christmas day.  Christmas Day in the States is Monday for us her in Hong Kong.  I was surprised to get a call around 10 pm my time from Justin's family, I guessed the kids were so excited, they got up extra early, 6:30 a.m. Sunday morning, It was awesome to see how excited the kids were at opening their presents.  Their faces were priceless to see them grinning from ear to ear!  We were able to talk with the other two family plus Brenda through out the day.  Monday morning, we charmed in on Linsie's skype home with her mother.  It was good to see her briefly.  We hope to be able to visit her in February when we visit Taiwan to help with FSY training.

We spent Christmas day attending the combined Sacrament meeting of Shatin and Tai Wai ward.  After then we attended a short testimony meeting reporting on what member did and experienced when they participated at the 25 ways over 25 days Christmas initiative.  It was wonderful to hear testimony of the little things we did that affected others.  Among those experience, one was feeling inspired to text a friend that she had not talked to for a long time and telling her how special she is.  The friend replied that the message came to her at the very moment she needed it.  A young man took the time at talking to a old man on the street, the man expressed that young people don't talk to old people these day, not even his own children.  How sad it this?!  He was glad that this young man took the time at talking to him.  It really does not take a lot of effort on our part to help #LIGHTtheWORLD!!

We attended the Philharmonic on Saturday.  I didn't realize it also has a little bit of magic performance so there was a lot of kids at the show.  Afterward, we went to Repulse Bay and have dinner with the Lew family.  We had a wonderful hotpot dinner on Christmas eve.  It was great to be among family.  We didn't get home until pass midnight!!!

Took the MTR to Sai Wan to visit the Elder's apartment, had to take a pic of this at the MTR Station.

At the Philharmonic, can you see the other missionaries on the seats in front of us? 

We got tickets looking at the back of the musician, it was great cause we got to see the expression of the conductor!
Made these for Sunday Christmas dinner.  The cooking part felt like Christmas!

Finally got some of the picture posted by the HK YSA convention; these are couple of them.  We stated the dance for the YSA along with other Stake high counselmen couples 

Can you tell what we are doing in this one?  You are right if you guessed "YMCA"!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Asia Area Office Christmas Devotional and social 2016

We have a wonderful Christmas Devotional and social event on Tuesday, there are over 100 attended.  This is a picture of everyone working in the Area office in Wan Chai.  What a wonderful, talented group of members.  In order to work for the church, you need to hold a temple recommend.  A lot of the male members are high counselmen and bishop/former bishops!

We are treated to a wonderful meal.  We were told the food was short last year so this year, there were plenty of food left for us to have lunch the next day!

Elder Yan and his table, I lost my keys to the office so I was retracing my steps to the wet market.  The brother sitting next to Ted is Andriy Yu.  He helped us with our HK ID when we first arrived.  His wife is semi-active, expecting their first child in January.  The brother across from Ted is a twin, Axel, he works IT and his brother was a former bishop.  

Here we are doing singing pictionary - you give the clue sings to Christmas tune!

The word is "FACEBOOK" , Can you tell!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

We did it!

We were asked to give a talk on the topic of "Change begins with me" in the Tai Wai ward last Sunday, December 11.  We were so worried!  You should see our notes - they are combination of both Chinese characters and English!  This is Ted's first talk in Chinese for he last 50 years!!  I did okay, I don't know how my Chinese grammar was correct or not, I am sure I am speaking Englinese!!

Well, our fear is over and let's hope we don't have to give one for a long time!

This week has been very productive, We take Monday fine tuning our presentation to the AP, then Tuesday morning I was not feeling well so I stayed home.  Ted presented to the AP by himself.   He was not feeding very supportive from Elder Evans at the presentation last week.  With our new improved presentation, he got thru it great even with computer difficulty.  The power point did not work as we intended but he got the report presented.  Elder Funk commented that he wishes this FSY program can be replicated in a few other countries and thought that is one of the reason why we are needed in Hong Kong at this time.  The Area Presidency was surprised that we were able to get the venue for Hong Kong so quickly.  Back in March this year, they thought they were not very hopeful that we could pull this off but now it is a reality!  Elder Funk wants us to provide support to Taiwan as often as we are needed.  Our first trip will be around February 4, 2017.

Wednesday we stayed late to finish making a spread sheet so we know what room/s we need to rent during the fsy conference.  Things are a little bit different in Hong Kong, when you rent a venue, you are renting the room and board and then if we are to use the facility, ie rooms, auditorium, sound systems, classrooms etc, we have to rent by the hour.  It took us a little while to get it all worked out so we know which rooms we could use for devotional, large group activity, dance, auditions, games.  The FSY committee with the local in session couple, represented by Brother Ryan Lee and the two YSA coordinators, Sa Cheung and Edwin Lee came.  We were there for about 2 hours and got of the rooms figured out.  We were advised by Elder Wong to rent the whole camp if we could so at the end of our visit, we found out there is one more building of 10 beds we could rent, we did!!!  I am so thankful we have good leaders to help with this event, I feel it is going to be great for the youth in Hong Kong and Taiwan!

We had another good lunch with Edward Lai on Friday.  This is kind of for business because we want Elder Beckstead to be able to get a golf appointment with Edward for him to introduce him to some of his friends who might have good influence in Hong Kong.  Caroline Kwok (Neuro - physican) also came out from China.  She had a charity program that we might be able to support so we could get the Church name out there as far as doing some humanitarian services to the people in Hong Kong.  Then in the evening Elder and Sister Wong invited us to dinner of Pig's lung soup.  It was okay, not as bad as I thought it to be.  This place is famous for no MSG!  Then we went to listen to Esther Tam (Chow)'s Songs of the Heart performed Handel's Messiah.  They did a wonderful job practicing for over two years.  This is their first and last time performing Messiah and it was done very professionally and as good as anyone I have gone to in the States.

Today, we went to Yuen Long for Sunday meeting.  I was able to see two of my former companions in Yuen Long 2 ward.  Sister Chan even texted me a copy of my testimony I left with her when I served back in the 80s.

This is the first week since we have been here that I feel I am doing what I thought I would be doing as a missionary, being productive and busy!  We are having couple more assignment to work with President and Sister Lam - one to set up a Mandarin group in the New Territory and checking the contract of the young missionaries apartments.  Sister Lam needed someone who could read the contract and talk with the landlord so we will be visiting with the Lams on Monday!

I realize this is the week before Christmas, we are so thankful for the birth of our Savior so long ago, that he took on mortality so show us the way, worked out his own salvation and performed the atonement so all of us can thru our work, gain salvation to return to live with our Father in Heaven again.  I was able to teach from John 17-19 on the Sister's Institute, these are my favorite quotes from the lesson.

Elder Bruce R. McConkie explained:

“Jesus ‘was like unto God’  before the world was; he had glory and dominion then; and he then became, under the direction of the Father, the Creator of this earth and of worlds without number.  At the appointed time he came to this particular earth to work out both his own salvation and the atonement which would make salvation available to all men.
Elder Morrison used this statement to describe the purpose of Jesus Christ’s mortal existence:
 “‘For this cause came I into the world.’ What was that cause? Why did Jesus, the Lord God Omnipotent who sits at the right hand of the Father, creator of worlds without number, lawgiver and judge, condescend to come to earth to be born in a manger, live out most of His mortal existence in obscurity, trudge the dusty roads of Judea proclaiming a message which was violently opposed by many, and finally, betrayed by one of His closest associates, die between two malefactors on Golgotha’s somber hill? … It was love for all of God’s children that led Jesus, unique in His sinless perfection, to offer Himself as ransom for the sins of others. This, then, was the consummate cause which brought Jesus to earth to ‘suffer, bleed, and die for man.’ He came as ‘a lamb without blemish and without spot’ (1 Pet. 1:19) to atone for our sins, that He, being raised on the cross, might draw all men unto Him (see 3 Ne. 27:14)” (“For This Cause Came I into the World,” Ensign, Nov. 1999, 25–26).

Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926–2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained that just as the Savior came into the world for a specific cause, we too have a cause in our mortal lives:

“As He began to feel the awful weight of the approaching Atonement, Jesus acknowledged, ‘For this cause came I into the world’ (John 18:37). We too, brothers and sisters, came ‘into the world’ to pass through our particularized portions of the mortal experience. Even though our experiences do not even begin to approach our Master’s, nevertheless, to undergo this mortal experience is why we too are here! Purposefully pursuing this ‘cause’ brings ultimate meaning to our mortal lives” (“Apply the Atoning Blood of Christ,” Ensign, Nov. 1997, 22).

Let us remember as we celebrate His birth this Christmas season, our own cause, coming into the world!

Run into Anita, Wing and baby Ethan while walking on the Promenade on Tuesday.

Lunch and photo shot at the Hong Kong Golf Club in Aberdeen.

Pig lung soup.

Brother and Sister Chick singing the "Messiah".

Sister Esther Tam (Chow), a talented musician!

My testimony from 30 years ago.

Pictures of Kowloon City Wall - Park

Back in the early 1900, there was this military outpost in Hong Kong, when the British signed the treaty with China, this outpost became one of those place that neither the British nor China want to take care of, so this place become a lawless gang city where no police would enter.  When Ted was a missionary here in back in 76, he was given a referral and unknowingly enter the city.  Of course he never went back for follow up because he was not supposed to be there.  Anyway, the Hong Kong Government finally evacuated the city and now transformed it into a park.  Sister Norman thought this place is a true example of the cleaning power of repentant and resurrection!

On the day we visited, there was this volunteers tour guide who gave us a introduction of the city, what it was, we also found people dancing and practicing Chinese Martial art there.  Today, it is a beautiful park where everyone can enjoy it beauty and tranquility.

A beautiful pond in the back

Traditional summer garden

A temple built for the king mother.

This is the original stone at the temple in the old Walled city, the government moved it to the back of the temple

The gang: from left to right: Elder & Sister Cory, Yans, Sister Nielsen, Sister and Elder Ferguson, Elder & Sister Norman

Entry to the Walled City Park

Got to take a pic of these chairs, we used to have one like these.

Old, Original foundation

We found all these photographers, waiting for over 4 hours to take pic of this litter bird.
Model of the city before tear down
The original plan of the depot in the early 1900.
This is called fist writing, Can you see the fists in the words?
This bird only come once a year to the same tree just to eat the fruits.

The buildings in the Walled City before the tear down.  We were told there are secret passage ways between floors, floors are build on top of each other and sometimes there are no stairs to go up and only boards as wall that people pull down, open a hole on the wall, put on board on their bed then walk over to the next room/building!

Got caught in a Protest Parade

The work in the office is starting to pick up.  We prepared a 10 minutes report presented to Elder Evans.  He gave us some suggestion to improve on our presentation for next Tuesday to the Area Presidency.  We are not back to the 10/f in the CAB (Church Adminstrative Building) in a little cubical.  We don't have much privacy but it is workable.  We have our monthly meeting with the FSY planning meeting on Thursday and we are getting very good at using the PVC software to conduct meetings.  We are very excited as we now have a venue to hold the event - the date is set for Aug 7 to Aug 12, 2017.  I was able to add the new Admin to the FSY website after a few email to the States. I will report next week on our trip after visiting the camp site.

Saturday, December 11. P-day
We have a short P day on Saturday in the morning, pictures will be on a separate posts.  We went to a Book of Mormon play put on by the Aberdeen Ward on the Hong Kong Island Stake.  We thought we had enough time to catch a bus but didn't realize that it was a min bus. We switched to taking a cab but then got caught in this protest.  Normally, it would take us 20 mins in a taxi but it took us 25 mins just to get out of the protest's matching- 3 blocks long!!

We got to the chapel 5 mins late but luckily we didn't miss any part of the performance.  The title of the play is "Book of Mormon across 1000 years".  The writer of the play was very clever, writing a play that little kids could take part in.  It started with a little girl telling bedtimes stories she had heard when she was little to her grandfather who had fallen ill.  They portrayed the stories of Nephi, Moroni/Mormon and the Brother of Jared.  The play finished at a scene in the waiting room where the departed was being judged, each was asked what they know of Christ, each described what they know of Him, until the grandfather who fell on his knees to worship the judge - who is Jesus Christ.

Then we had a wonderful snack party afterward - the snack party here is a full course dinner!!

We found ourselves on the Star ferry late one night, this is what they show at the TST pier at night as part of the night show:

This is just the beginning of the protest parade:

Paper border on the bulletin board at the Aberdeen Ward!!
Picture with Moroni, Mormon, Becksteads, Nephi, Annie Wong and Bishop Jimmy Chen

Picture with Julia and her family who stopped in Hong Kong for 3 days visit then onto Vietnam.  Julia was so nice to bring us some vitamin from the States!

Catching up

The last two weeks seemed to have flew by.  Now I have to catch up on my post!

December 2, Ted and I was invited along with Elder and Sister Beckstead and Elder and Sister Norman to have dinner with Edward Lai.  He was the one who organized the first welcoming reunion when we first arrived. Since the Beckstead was not there at the time, He arranged for another reunion with us when Kwok Pui Yan and his wife came back to lecture at Hong Kong University.  We were surprised to find out he also invited President and Sister Lam and Doctor and Sister David Yeung.  The men had a table to themselves and we, ladies, has a table of our own.  It was nice visiting with everyone.  Came to find our Sister Lam's son loves to play golf and he had attempted to get into the PGA in Hong Kong.  The Lams are well respected here in Hong Kong and they have lots of wealthy friends here.  This is the reason we get a TV anchor, Diana Lin, interested in doing a special report on the Church.  She was Sister Lam's friend from school.  The TV report will be aired December 26, 2016, Monday, at 8 p.m. Hong Kong time.  You can go online to watch it if you liked.
Bus ride to Hong Kong Golf Club in FanLing

We crossed this bridge that looks like the bay Bridge.  This is new to me!

Hong Kong Golf Club

Evidently, this is something famous, UBS OPEN!
Dinner:  from far left: Edward Lai, Charles and Fanny Chan, President & Sister Maurice Lam, Elder and Sister Craig Norman, Kwok Pui Yan and his wife, Abby, Elder & Sister Yan, Elder and Sister Lynn Beckstead; Doctor and Sister David Yeung

Just find this on facebook page, the YSA team posted a group picture on the last day of YSA Convention.  Can you find us?

Sunday, December 11, 2016

A trip down memory lane! Sai Wan Chuen, 302 Central Terrace, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

We visited the West Point Ward on the Hong Kong Island last Sunday  (December 4), it was fast Sunday.  We had trouble finding the chapel and was looking up and down the street, then I remembered seeing the chapel (may be in a dream - It is on a second floor), As we were crossing the street, I look back over my shoulder on the right and there it is - the sign of the Church on the building.  The chapel entry is on the side street and not on the side that is facing the street we were walking on.  We quickly get in the chapel and was surprised to find some familiar faces.  President Lau - who presided over the YSA Convention was there, we sat with his wife.  No sooner when I sat down, a lady just behind me taped me on the shoulder and asked if I remembered her.  She then whispered and asked if I was "Chan Lee Kuen" (Florence's Chinese name).  I told her that is my younger sister and then she called out my Chinese name.  I felt so bad that I did not remember her but when she got up and bore her testimony, I was able to see her face directly and recognized her immediately.  She was the young woman leader that had taught our class how to do Chinese dance!  I don't remember her name but I remember her face!!!  She was one that came to church faithfully for 4 years at age 14 and couldn't get baptized.  When she became 18, she was able to sign her own permission slip to be baptized.  It is so good to visit with her, and the joy to find her still in the gospel, raised a righteous family, her children had served mission and the oldest son is working for Nu Skin in Provo, daughter, Haley, just finished her mission and will be returning to Provo for school next month.  Her youngest is still in high school.

Upper:  Sister who served the same time I was on my mission.  Bottom left: the Sister who taught me the Chinese dance when I first joined the church.  Forgot her name already!!
After the block, we walked back to the place where I lived growing up.  The building looks different but the stairs are still the same - a 100 steps up before we get to the apartment we used to live.  I was taking some picture when a man came out of the apartment asking us not to take picture.  After I explained to him that I lived there before, He said he remembered when they first move in back in 1977, they get mails to the CHAN family a lot, He was very kind and showed us all the changes the government did to the building, adding an elevator to every floor instead of just on the 5th and 8th floor.  Then we walk to my elementary school, we went back to the apartment wanting to take a picture with this young man, he introduced us to his mother.  We found out that they are also from China and speak the same dialogue as my parents.  The lady described some of the remodeling they did to the apartment and told me they had kept the same material we used as partition.  I was so excited and took a picture of it.  They are the same I had remembered except that they had painted them green.  The lady was really nice and walk us thru the different terrace and showed us the rest of the changes to the "village".
The building with the pink were some of the more wealthy residents 40 years ago, My aunts lived there before.

Sai Wan Chuen

These are the same stairs - 100 steps to the Central Terrace, They added covers so you won't get rained on

Three floors up and two over from the right is the apartment we used to live!

These apartment is right across from my old balcony, they looked so much closer than I remembered

Pano view: from the stairs on the right, across the courtyard, and to my old apartment 

Back way up, the walkway on the right side of the pictures is new, It used to be just slopes and trees.

Play ground is still there, only they put in new toys, we used to play Volley Ball and Badminton here, the tree in the middle is still there, used to be 4 stories high, now 9 stories tall!

Look up from the playground 

Walking to the school

My elementary school where I learned to recite the Lord's prayer every day at the chapel on the left upper floor.

Mrs Lam, the resident of 302 Central Terrace.

The green panels are our original panel we used when we lived there!!

The street where Sai Wan Chuen is on:  This very spot used to have a fruit stand and we bought rice roll cooked with eggs every Saturday!